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What is ReikiReiki is an ancient healing art which originated in Japan. It has become very popular over the last few decades and is now widely used in hospitals, nursing homes, health spas, and the corporate world as well as by individuals. Reiki is a hands on healing technique which is very gentle but powerful. The energy involved is the universal energy that surrounds all living things. Reiki is used globally by people of all religions and belief systems and can benefit everyone's life. Reiki stimulates the body's own ability to heal itself. It helps restore balance and harmony to the mind, body and spirit. When our "Ki" or Life Force Energy is flowing freely, we are generally happier, healthier and more balanced. Reiki helps us to get 'In the Flow' and generally feel happier and healthier. Reiki can be used while pregnant, during cancer treatments and while on medication. Reiki has proved to benefit a broad range of conditions, such as migraine, asthma, skin conditions, arthritis, stress and sleep problems. Reiki can also help to calm the mind and improve conditions such as anxiety, depression and assists in the grieving process. While Reiki is widely used to complement conventional medicine it is important to mention that Reiki should not be used as a replacement for conventional medicine.
To Book A Reiki Treatment Call087 6697155